Breast Implant/Augmentation Revision

Breast Augmentation is a common procedure in Australia. It is performed not only by Plastic Surgeons, but also other surgical specialties as well as general practitioners and cosmetic doctors. Breast implant revision surgery is often performed following implant surgery with another surgeon and dissatisfaction with the result usually due to poorly positioned or disproportionate implants for the patients body size, and sometimes because the implants have changed position after surgery.

Why might I need a breast implant revision?

Besides poor implant position and choice, another reason for implant revision surgery is the presence or concern regarding a rare type of cancer associated with breast implants called ALCL – Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma. ALCL is a rare tumour that can occur in the capsule around some breast implants. Some women with implants may have concerns regarding the risk of this type of cancer and often consider removal of their implants or change to an implant with a lower risk of this tumour developing.

Revision surgery can also be appropriate many years after a successful breast augmentation, to help maintain an optimum result. This may be due to the change in a patient’s weight and body shape as they have aged or because capsule contracture has occurred. Capsule contracture is when a tight constricting capsule develops around a breast implant which can be likened to deep scarring. Often this capsule can require excision.

What does breast implant revision surgery involve?

The nature of the revision surgery and recovery differs between patient body types and reason for the surgery. Sometimes a repositioning of the implant/s is all that is required whilst other times a change of implant/s may also be necessary. Where a capsule has formed and contracted the scarring may require excision.

Why does Dr van der Rijt perform implant revision surgery?

Dr van der Rijt has subspecialty training in Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery of the breast. He performs breast reconstruction with both implants and patients own tissue (autologous) after mastectomy for breast cancer. With proper training, experience and expertise, he is in an excellent position to help patients who have had breast implants / augmentation and want revision surgery.