Skin Grafts and Flaps

What is a skin graft?

A skin graft is a patch of skin that is transplanted from one part of the body to another and must grow a new blood supply from the area that it has been moved to.

What is a skin flap?

A skin flap is used when the anatomy allows the skin to be taken from adjacent to the wound but if this is not possible a skin graft from another part of the body is required.

When do I need a skin graft or flap?

Patients with larger cancerous lesions may require a skin flap or skin graft to help fill the open wound remaining after excision of the lesion. Dr van der Rijt will assess the need for this and discuss this with you at the time of your appointment.

What does skin graft or flap surgery involve?

Skin grafts and flaps are usually done in the operating theatre as day surgery. Often you will not need a general anesthetic and the procedure can be performed under local anaesthetic and sedation (twilight) . The procedure usually takes 45 – 60 minutes.